1st / 2nd combo Loans: Allows for a 1st mortgage underneath the conventional loan amount and a 2nd accompanying mortgage. We offer 1st/2nd combos on both purchase and cashout refinance transactions. Speak to your First Reliant loan officer for contextual perspective on the advantages of a 1st & 2nd combo loan.
Bank Statement Loan: Qualify clients based on their Business or Personal deposits to their bank statements on a monthly basis. Great for Self Employed borrowers in lieu of providing one’s tax returns.
Debt Service Coverage Ratio: Derived from Commerical financing principles First Reliant offers loans on INVESTMENT properties based on the subject properties’ cashflows. We will determine the rent a property produces and utilize it as income for qualification purposes. A very useful loan for both small and large Investors alike.
Commercial mortgages: Commercial mortgages are loans used to purchase or refinance commercial real estates, such as office buildings, warehouses, or retail spaces
Speak to a first Reliant representative about commercial financing on varying property types, SBA (government-backed commercial financing), & Apartment financing today!